Sense of Direction

It's been about a month or so since I've checked in via blog post. Truth be told, I really want it to be a regular thing but I was feeling a little lost when it came to what I want this particular blog to look like. I'm a tumblr vet, back in those days my tumblr held my deepest darkest secrets. It was a real diary, a real peek into my ever changing moods.. who I was in love with, who I was mad at. Honest reflections and recants of my depression, my hopes, my unrequited love. But as I learned to channel the sadness and the hormones of being 16, 17, 18, I felt less like I needed a place to bear it all. The drama and tumultuous emotions didn't have to live in a hidden place anymore.

I still maintain somewhat of a diary, random note pads and papers scrawled with half baked emotions from the moment (coping mechanism!!) but they mostly reveal lists, plans, dreams and manifestations now.

This season though, is bringing lots of transitions and growth. Thus resulting in growing pains. My life revolves around my work and projects. I believe that using this space to document my process and feelings would help me maintain clarity (I am always striving for clarity) and bring back the personal element to my work that I have shut off for awhile.

My presence on social media lately has been strictly business. Frankly, I miss being a little more emotionally vested in it. Often I let my work do the talking and don't share too much of my personal meaning and reasoning for everything that I do. This is for protection mostly, and to avoid having to explain myself to people who really aren't there to understand. That being said, I think avoiding to disclose those things is denying people another layer to my work.

I believe in what I have to say, and I know it is beneficial to others who maybe haven't found their voice or are trying to decide what is sounds like. At the end of the day I feel strongly about what I create and how I do it and I want to share more of how everything comes together. This blog will start reflecting that, and 2020 will bring some other surprises as well.

Date + Time my first book that will be released next year has taken the forefront of my mind. While I’m not ready to share the images or writings from the sets that have been completed, I want a way to document the process of something so significant to me. I plan on using this platform to keep everyone up to date on the process/progress of this project, but the other ventures that are currently in the works as well.

To each and everyone of you who have supported me on this journey, I am eternally grateful. whatever venture I have embarked on I've always had an amazing group of people in the wings cheering me on, commenting, sharing and pushing me forward. I feel very lucky to have that and plan for a lifetime of creating content for myself and those who love what I do.

Cheers Darklings!

Here’s some behind the scenes snippets for my book, Date + Time , Grier helping me play around with my new projector and a little selfie from the last wedding I did with Samantha and Madyson.